26 December 2013

Milestone XIII (not found)

Sage (1922)

Neither I nor the Bicentennial investigators were able to find this “unlucky” milestone. By mileage calculation and reference to the Sage map, this milestone was located in the vicinity of a residential development constructed ca. 1970 – 1990, including the construction of Elephant Rock Road. There are many stones incorporated in walls and sidewalks which might be the missing milestone; however further investigation will require geological analysis, personal interviews, and cooperation with local landowners.

Sage’s notes (1922) tell us:
We found XIII in its proper location, one mile north of North Woodbury, near a telegraph pole, and surrounded by thick underbrush. In order to get a photography, we pulled it out of its “socket” and leaned it up against the pole.
The rounded top has been knocked off, but enough of the inscription remains to identify the stone as the original XIII. The part below the horizontal dark line seen on the stone was that imbedded in the ground, when we first discovered the marker.

It is possible that the uprooting of the stone contributed to its not being recognized by others as a milestone and perhaps relocating it with other stones in the construction area. However the distinctive shape and coloration shown in Sage’s photograph may be the evidence needed to confirm a candidate stone as Milestone XIII.

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