14 December 2013

Milestone XII

This milestone would have been missed in our current survey were it not for the helpful guidance
Hampton (2013) - stone north of guard rail, near red soda can
supplied by a local resident, describing the intersecting street, Plumb Brook Rd. (also “Old Flanders Road”), the metal guardrail, and the tall bush. On a second search, we found the stone, along with the metal post where the “Benjamin Franklin Milestone” plaque had been.

This contrasts with Sage’s notes:
"Number XII has apparently been decapitated. We found it lying on top of the stone wall shown in the rear of the picture. It bears the reputation of being “the Milestone”; and is in the proper location for Number 12. A few years ago it was found in the brush alongside the stonewall aforesaid."
Sage (1922)
"It is of a similar material to the other stones of its series, and of a different kind of stone used in the stonewall. There is no inscription visible; that no doubt being on the lost upper fragment."

Happily, I can make out some straight cuts on the stone that suggest a chiseled “M”; a piece with the characteristic arched cap of the milestone design has been wedged in front of the stone and seems likely to be the missing “head” of the milestone.
Bicentennial Report (1976)
Bicentennial Report (1976)

Hampton (2013)


Hampton (2013)

Lat: N 41° 34.746'
Long: W 073° 12.162'

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